
When should you visit Sorrento Dalveen

This is your choice, as the seasons are quite distinct. See the following 2 B.O.M links:-

Sorrento at Dalveen is roughly between these two B.O.M stations.

The yearly schedule at the Sorrento property revolves around preparation for the sale of weaned calves in early April and the joining of cows to their best suited mate in September/October.

Our secondary enterprise is supplying organic goat meat to local abattoirs, to satisfy an increasing demand from city restaurants. This work is governed by demand and is largely weekend work.

In addition, recognizing the social calendar of the Southern Downs District that takes in picnic racing, opera in the vineyard, events in The Swigmore Hall, markets in the mountains and steam train excursions, all of which are detailed in the free Granite Belt monthly.